Mini train

En traversant les quartiers de Richelieu et Rochelongue, vous allez vous rendre compte de l’étendue du Cap d’Agde. Entre dunes et espaces verts, vous longerez également les plages, suivi d’un arrêt photo de 10mn à l’entrée du port de plaisance pour admirer le point de vue et le va-et-vient des bateaux.As you pass through the Richelieu and Rochelongue districts, you’ll realise just how vast Cap d’Agde is. Between dunes and green spaces, you’ll also walk along the beaches, followed by a 10-minute photo stop at the entrance to the marina to admire the view and the comings and goings of the boats.

The audio-scripted commentary will give you a fresh look at the town planning planned in 1968 by the Mission Racine.

Before the highlight of the show, you’ll visit some of the districts of Cap d’Agde. Then, after a detour to the panoramic harbour entrance, you’ll discover the Grande Conque, a black sand beach at the foot of the magnificent volcanic cliffs, where the chronology of their formation will be explained. Take a 10-minute photo stop on foot at the top of the cliffs.